Monday, August 12, 2013

Set to Explode

Set to Explode

Washington, DC

"Debut six song EP from WASHINGTON DC's SET TO EXPLODE. Fronted by former STRIKING DISTANCE vocalist Dave Byrd, consisting of ex-members of a slew of DC bands, including WORN THIN, THE AFTERMATH, 86 MENTALITY, and THE GOONS, these guys have all been around the block and prove that they know how to write one hell of a hardcore record. All name dropping aside, SET TO EXPLODE offer up an impressive dose of early 80's influenced fast, no-frills, head splitting hardcore (the common description we've been hearing is "the bastard son of MINOR THREAT and ANTIDOTE"), with a dash of classic punk rock influence thrown in the mix for good measure." - Grave Mistake Records

This EP is one of my favorites.  I really wish the band would have recorded more material, but sadly this was their only release.  Go check out Grave Mistake Records to see all the great stuff they have, and are currently putting out.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Direct Control

Direct Control

Richmond, VA

"Angry and urgent hardcore from Richmond, Virginia, US." -

I don't know much about them, but this stuff seriously rips!  Fast and pissed off hardcore.. reminds me of Government Warning, Career Suicide, etc.  I don't have the demo, Euro tour cassette, or the split with Strung Up, but this is basically everything they did as the other stuff was, for the most part, just different recordings of these songs.

I really can't stress this enough..

If you find something on this blog that you like, please do what you can to help support the individuals involved.  Check out new projects they're in, see what the record label is up to, buy a t-shirt/patch/record/anything, go out and start a band, or book a show.. just do something!

Cut the Shit

Cut the Shit


"Cut the Shit was a punk/hardcore band based out of Boston, MA. It featured ex-members of Tear It Up,Cops and RobbersBones BrigadeThe Pinkerton ThugsDaysXahead and Dillinger Escape Plan." -

i love this band more than most others.  didn't write a single bad song.  enjoy!

Dead Stop

Dead Stop

Belgium (2002 – 2006)

"Dead Stop was a Hardcore Band from Belgium. Influenced by early 80's bands such as Negative Approach,Minor Threat and Antidote, they wreaked havoc over Europe and the US from May 19th, 2002 until their last show at the Lintfabriek, Kontich on May 20th, 2006. They released a 7” and two full lengths." - Taken from the band's profile.

Included here are both LPs, the 7", their demo cassette, the "killburg sessions" which is a handful of cover songs, and a live set.  Amazing band!  Enjoy!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Government Warning

Government Warning

"Government Warning were a punk band from Richmond, V.A. They had a fast, aggressive hardcore punk sound, like a combination of Adolescents, and F.Us.

In their time as a band they released two 12” records, “No Moderation” and “Paranoid Mess”. Aside from those full-lengths, they also released three 7”s titled “No Way Out”, “Arrested” and “Executed” as well as appearing on No Way Records “No Bullshit” compilation. 

In February 2011, Government Warning embarked on their final east coast tour with Night Birds." Taken from profile.

Government Warning is one of my favorite bands, and I can't suggest them to people enough.  If you're a fan of hardcore punk rock, and you've yet to hear this band just download and listen.  You'll be happy.  I promise.

Friday, March 29, 2013

i apologize about the lack of posts.  i've been in the hospital recovering from brain surgery since march 14, and the internet connection is horrible, so i haven't been able to upload anything to share since i've been here.  i'll be going home on tuesday, so expect updates soon.  thank you.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bones Brigade


"A BAND OF FOUR YOUNG Beantown punks, Bones Brigade, named its first record I Hate Myself When I’m Not Skateboarding. What else do you need to know about them?

First off, some people have pads older than these guys, who range in age from 18 to 22. The youngest—singer Brian—is still in high school and has to work band practice around little things like homework and taking out the trash. It’s a big decision: Harvard or hardcore? For Brian, the school of hard knocks is the logical choice. 

“It’s pretty sick,” says Brian. “My parents are going crazy with me touring, but whatever.”

The band got together when guitarist Charlton Hessian and Phil “Skulls” Harwood, the band’s bass player, met at Northeastern University. The pair took daily trips on the train to skate downtown Boston where they met Mullet, their drummer. All three had been in bands before, so it seemed natural to get something going. All the bad music they were hearing on skate videos made it pretty easy to decide what to play.

“There’s just not enough punk in skating anymore,” says Skulls.

Like a lot of skate rock bands, the kids in Bones Brigade didn’t have much of a plan other than skating and playing punk rock. In fact, they say they only had three goals when they started the band—to have people listen to them while they were skating, to get kids into skating, and to get written up in Thrasher. Congratulations boys, you’ve made it to the top!

“We can all die now,” says Skulls. Actually, these guys probably have quite a bit ahead of them, judging by what they’ve accomplished so far." - Taken from bio.

Bones Brigade has been broken up for a while now, but their music still gets put into regular rotation in my play lists.  Awesome band, and I highly suggest checking them out if you haven't already.

There are still a few splits/EP's that I haven't uploaded yet, but this should be a good start.  Hope you enjoy, because I definitely do.

Friday, March 8, 2013



"A Philadelphia/South Jersey band, created to make black metal (early 2007). Intended as nothing more than a casual experiment, it changed from bedroom project, to an obsession. The rules - no: drum machines, corpse paint, ‘Renaissance faerie-speak or faking - Honest, dark black metal, faithful to tradition & without cliches. Woe plays aggressive, hypnotic music, with themes of Satanism, elitism, & loss. The first LP, A Spell for the Death of Man, was released in 2008. Official site:" - Taken from

Woe is an incredible band.  One of the best I've stumbled upon in a long time.  Awesome american black metal with an ambient/depressive feel.  Make sure you take the time to support what this band is still doing.

Hopefully you'll enjoy this.  Check out the band if you do, and support them in any way you can. 


Fall of Efrafa

For my first post, I'll begin with my favorite band.


For those unfamiliar..

"Fall of Efrafa were a concept band formed in Brighton, United Kingdom in 2005, starting life as a cello driven hardcore band, yet after various line up changes, focused on creating their own sound, mixing elements of post rock, post metal and ambient folk black metal- taking influence from bands such asNeurosisGodspeed You! Black EmperorAgalloch and Buried Inside. They described their music as heavy atmospheric post-hardcore.

The concept was based loosely around their own interpretation of the Mythology in the novel “Watership Down” by Richard Adams. The band created a trilogy of records known collectively as “The Warren of Snares”: Owsla (guardian), Elil (enemy) and lastly Inlé (death). The narrative behind the lyrics followed a society on the brink of social collapse, under a theocratic rule. An uprising occurs in the face of a greater enemy. Characters from the book, and the make believe language known as ‘lapine’ were also included in both the artwork and lyrics.

The band received a lot of praise for their music, both for the concept surrounding the band - a mix of mythological language and imagery amidst anti-religious, animal rights ideologies - and the music itself, although fans are often divided, when pigeon holing their sound.

The band was staunchly DIY, but managed to sidestep specific labels by incorporating a mixture of disparate post rock and avant-garde / folk black metal passages and hardcore punk influences. Although they completed various tours and shows. They rarely played live, spending most of their time writing and recording. They played their last ever show in Brighton, on December 5th, 2009. 

Members have gone on to form other projects - Neil (guitar) formed Blackstorm, a heavy rock and roll metal band, George (drums) formed an instrumental post rock project with his brother called “Movement of Leaves”, Mikey joined the Austrian hardcore punk band “BØREDØM” and Alex started “Light Bearer”, a concept post metal band, and “Momentum”, a melodic hardcore band." - taken from their profile.

This is, by far, one of the most influential bands in my life.  The music they have created has been a part of my life on an almost daily basis since I first stumbled upon it.  It's simply beautiful, in every aspect.  My two main influences when I decided to become a vegan were, Gregg Graffin (from studying his work on evolutionary biology) and Alex CF's writing and passion about the matter.  I've since had the opportunity to speak with Alex several times, and get to know him a bit, and he's one of the most awesome people I've ever had the chance to communicate with.  I can't recommend his work enough, be it his writing, music or artwork.  Definitely check him out.

On to the music..

Like I said, please go and support this amazing, now defunct band in any way you can.  Visit Alex's big cartel page and pick up some incredible artwork.  Check out their new bands.  Buy old records.  Whatever you can do to let them know how much their work was appreciated.

So, I've decided to create a music blog while I'm out of work recovering from my surgery.  I have tons of music to share, and I think it's a waste to have all of this, and not let other people enjoy it as well.  Once I have a solid site to upload to, I'll be posting what I have.  I will always encourage you to support the artists creating what I post.. go purchase something from them, or let them know how much you appreciate what they're creating.  Without them, the wonderful music you're listening to will no longer be created.  I have a few things uploaded to my Mediafire site, so I'll post those first.  Expect them shortly.

Thanks for your time,