Monday, August 12, 2013

Set to Explode

Set to Explode

Washington, DC

"Debut six song EP from WASHINGTON DC's SET TO EXPLODE. Fronted by former STRIKING DISTANCE vocalist Dave Byrd, consisting of ex-members of a slew of DC bands, including WORN THIN, THE AFTERMATH, 86 MENTALITY, and THE GOONS, these guys have all been around the block and prove that they know how to write one hell of a hardcore record. All name dropping aside, SET TO EXPLODE offer up an impressive dose of early 80's influenced fast, no-frills, head splitting hardcore (the common description we've been hearing is "the bastard son of MINOR THREAT and ANTIDOTE"), with a dash of classic punk rock influence thrown in the mix for good measure." - Grave Mistake Records

This EP is one of my favorites.  I really wish the band would have recorded more material, but sadly this was their only release.  Go check out Grave Mistake Records to see all the great stuff they have, and are currently putting out.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Direct Control

Direct Control

Richmond, VA

"Angry and urgent hardcore from Richmond, Virginia, US." -

I don't know much about them, but this stuff seriously rips!  Fast and pissed off hardcore.. reminds me of Government Warning, Career Suicide, etc.  I don't have the demo, Euro tour cassette, or the split with Strung Up, but this is basically everything they did as the other stuff was, for the most part, just different recordings of these songs.

I really can't stress this enough..

If you find something on this blog that you like, please do what you can to help support the individuals involved.  Check out new projects they're in, see what the record label is up to, buy a t-shirt/patch/record/anything, go out and start a band, or book a show.. just do something!

Cut the Shit

Cut the Shit


"Cut the Shit was a punk/hardcore band based out of Boston, MA. It featured ex-members of Tear It Up,Cops and RobbersBones BrigadeThe Pinkerton ThugsDaysXahead and Dillinger Escape Plan." -

i love this band more than most others.  didn't write a single bad song.  enjoy!

Dead Stop

Dead Stop

Belgium (2002 – 2006)

"Dead Stop was a Hardcore Band from Belgium. Influenced by early 80's bands such as Negative Approach,Minor Threat and Antidote, they wreaked havoc over Europe and the US from May 19th, 2002 until their last show at the Lintfabriek, Kontich on May 20th, 2006. They released a 7” and two full lengths." - Taken from the band's profile.

Included here are both LPs, the 7", their demo cassette, the "killburg sessions" which is a handful of cover songs, and a live set.  Amazing band!  Enjoy!